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The Project

For International Women’s Day 2023, we collaborated with Marks & Spencer Symeonides to bring to the forefront some of the female figures that make up the company. The idea was to highlight the female empowerment that is synonymous with the brand and celebrate women in all aspects of life, by incorporating some of their female staff in our campaign. With an incredibly high percentage of 87% of female employees, and 17% of women in leading roles within the company, it was crucial to place the necessary emphasis on these important figures and inform our audience about the efforts and leaps the company has taken throughout decades to ensure equality and inclusion within the workplace. We were able to talk to employees of the company that ranged in ages, races and disabilities, as well as women who have only just started working at SFH and others who have been advancing within the company for the past 20 years. Our intention was not only to showcase the progressive and dynamic spirit of the company and its holistic working environment, especially for women, but also to inspire and encourage other women to go after their dreams and strive for similar conditions where they can excel and grow.

The Execution

In order to achieve these goals, we created a video that included some of the female employees of Symeonides Fashion House, along with an article for InBusiness that would highlight all the qualities of the company in terms of female empowerment. We prepared a long list of questions that the employees were going to be asked in order to have multiple options for producing a thorough and representative compilation video, where the stars would be the staff itself. We first had to get the consent of the female employees who were going to be participating in the inspiring video and proceed with interviewing them on camera. One additional perk that further highlighted the spirit of International Women’s Day, was our collaboration with MAC Cosmetics Cyprus, who took care of the makeup of the women.

Our campaign video was accompanied by an animated intro and outro that aligned with the branding of the company and added even more value to our encouraging message. The video was published on all social media accounts of the company, including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, where we intended to reach different audiences, raise brand awareness and put out the positive message about the culture and environment of Marks and Spencer Symeonides. The article that was published in InBusiness further highlighted the progressive nature of SFH, who has been at the forefront of having an equal and inclusive working staff for decades now. The article was accompanied by our compilation video, thus shining more light on the company’s celebration and support of female employees.


Our IWD 2023 campaign for Symeonides Fashion House proved to be a great success for the company, as we managed to create an appealing and inspiring video that was viewed across all social media platforms. The Facebook post ad of the campaign video received higher engagement, whereas the Instagram post ad reached more users and had higher impressions. The results from all social media posts and ads were extremely satisfying in terms of raising brand awareness and showcasing the true brand values of SFH, something that we achieved not only through creativity, but by simply relying on the authenticity of real people, honest stories and inspiring storytelling.

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