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Websites are made for your business to communicate your message to potential or existing costumers, faster, easier and user driven! But, other than the website, your content should also be appealing and attractive to your audience. In 2016, MTN organised the “MTN Run in Colour” event, involving a colourful 5k run or walk took place in Limassol achieving an all-time participation record of 10,000 people. The net proceeds from the tickets of MTN Run in Colour are donated to ELPIDA Foundation which provides financial and psychological support to children with cancer and leukaemia.



Our aim was to communicate all the information via an attractive content and invite everyone that wanted to participate and support MTN’s goal, in Limassol. We, also provided information on location, ticket pricing and selling points, answers to FAQs’ and a map. Run in Colour was created to motivate people to boost their wellness and health as well as, supporting people in need! We can clearly say it reach its goals!

Here at Opium Works, we are proud Creatives and Drupalists. Branding is an essential step in establishing the foundation for your marketing efforts. Creativity and strategy build brands that last. Drupal is one of the biggest open-source systems in the world and is built on principles of collaboration, innovation and customisation. You can only imagine what it happens when you combine them! 


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