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Social Media Management
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SPK Kyprianides has been established in 1977 as family–owned company specialising in exclusive import and distribution of stationary, school and office material. Opium Works was appointed to establish a stronghold in the market, educate consumers on the superiority of the product and generate awareness through several marketing activations. 

Our team opted for a lifestyle–centric strategy across social media channels, that humanised the company and bolstered consumer loyalty. We also launched 100 years of #HappyWriting – a digital activation that complemented the offline activities implemented to promote the 100 years of pilot products.

Through competitions and informative and witty content, we were able to position Pilot Pen as a market leader and differentiate it from its competition. To make it more approachable and show how pens are not something old and backdated, but rather something that assist your creations, we create 6 custom illustrations each month.

Each illustration is made by our talented designers and is always withing the brand lines, though it shows what each pen can do! Since our client is well... a product, we also choose to have a thematic unit to promote the specs of each product and suggest ways how users can use them. 

Each customer has different needs; a student needs a different kind of pen than an illustrator or creative. We also adjusted the thematic unit "International Days and Occasions" to remind our audience of how many incredible days this world has and to give them a reason to celebrate!

If anyone needs a reminder to play their favourite classic video game or leave their car home and choose an alternative way to work or school, we take over the social media page to remind them to do so. 

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