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Drupal Development
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The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a public corporate body. It is governed by the University Council, comprising both government appointed and university elected members and the Senate where members are senior academic staff. The Faculties and Departments are administered by internal Boards; each Faculty is headed by an elected Dean; and each Department is headed by an elected Chairperson. Opium Works was appointed to design and develop a custom website for the University. 

The aim of the site is to establish UCY as a Pioneer Research Institution achieving International Scientific Recognition in European Higher Education, offering Competitive Programmes and to become a Centre of Excellence in the wider Euro - Mediterranean Region. We designed a website that showcases the objectives of the University: the promotion of scholarship and education through teaching and research and the enhancement of the cultural, social and economic development of Cyprus. 

We implemented front-end developing techniques to showcase the array of studies and services the University has to offer. The branding (including logos, colour palettes, typography, imagery) were created in line with the University. 

Our web development services have now moved under a new business entity!

Check out our sister company Tabs & Spaces for our latest development work and projects!

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