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Content Creation
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The Project

For a few years now, we have been the responsible team for the management of the social media pages of Ernst & Young (EY) Cyprus. Last year, EY assigned us the responsibility to create a corporate video, to increase brand awareness and show insights of the company on a local and global level.

“EY in Cyprus has its origins dating back to the 1930’s. We serve as a trusted business advisor and auditor to a broad range of clients, from private individuals and entrepreneurial businesses to major public companies and large multinationals”, and as a known innovative company, it was necessary to create a video that summed up how EY is trying everyday to “Built a Better Working World”.

This corporate video gave us the opportunity to shoot in the offices of EY and show the people and premises, as well as the important metrics and milestones that make this company stand out.

The video starts with scenes from the premises, then moves to services, important milestones such as Gender Equality, offices across the globe and many more achievements. With a combination of footage and graphics animation, we managed to capture how EY, as a global leader, builds trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies across sectors, and the critical role they play in building a better working world for their people, their clients and their communities.

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