Andria Iacovidou

Junior Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Marketing

From intern to an excelling Junior Digital Marketing Executive, Andria kicked off her professional journey at Opium Works and continues to be a dynamo that conquers the digital world. With a degree in Business Administration and an infectious zeal for learning and diving head first into uncharted waters, she is a valuable asset to every project and team. Her skills, passion, drive and curiosity are the perfect package, which puts her on the express lane to definite success! 

Years in the field

Case Studies

Heraclis Ice Cream SM Management 2023

Our Clients

Your Creative Work Will Tell Your Story

We are a loud, kooky, coffee-drinking team of creatives based in Cyprus. Chance, or perhaps fate, has brought us together to work hard, play hard, and get great things done.Our journey started in Nicosia in 2011, and we’ve been getting bigger and better since, digitalising Cyprus one brand at a time.We know the digital world is an ever-changing, ever-evolving place, and we’re committed to staying up-to-date with new trends and practices—that’s why we sleep with one eye open. Or maybe it’s the caffein


Our Team

Koulla Papachristophorou
Account Director
Digital Marketing
Jenny Zaragka
Creative Director
Rafaela Bakaliaou
Operations Manager
Digital Marketing
Kyriakos Zenonos
Tech Lead
Web Development
Marieva Efstathiou
Junior Account Manager
Digital Marketing
Alexandros Pelekanos
Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Marketing
Natalia Daliani
Junior Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Marketing
Andria Iacovidou
Junior Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Marketing
Christian Costa
Junior Web Developer
Web Development
Andreas Soleas
Digital Designer
Danae Philippides
Creative Copywriter
Giorgos Fytrakis
Creative Copywriter

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