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The Project

This fall we had the opportunity to work with the Press Information Office (PIO) on a really cool project.

The scope of this project was to create a custom animation for the governmental body to share on:

  • TV
  • Radio
  • Social Media
  • Mall Digital Screens

The purpose of the animation was to inform the local public on Rheumatism symptoms and to create awareness for the specific disease. Our job included creating the scenarios, preparing the voice-over, the storyboards for the animation and finally the actual animation itself. Rheumatism symptoms are quite broad and potentially common, ranging from extreme tiredness to joint pain to muscle pain. 

The Concept

For this reason, it was important for the client that we do not scare the public! So, when communicating matters related to diseases such as this one it’s important to ensure that the public is informed without terrorizing them.

Our team was up to the task!

Our creative copywriting team prepared an awesome scenario that first explained that 25% of the global population suffers from some form of Rheumatism and many are not aware of the symptoms they are experiencing. As a message, this clearly conveys that if you are not aware of specific symptoms, you may not be receiving the appropriate treatment that can improve your quality of life allowing us to create awareness and curiosity without creating a sense of panic.

The scenario then goes on to actually explain the various symptoms so as to properly inform and educate.

And this is where our design team comes in! The designer and art director on this project prepared the storyboards that were right up the client’s alley. A character was created from scratch, allowing us to actually show the specific symptoms in an every day life situation that is common to all of us.

Our super-cool character wakes up, walks to the kitchen and makes coffee, just like everyone else.

He is however in some discomfort and followed by pain lines that highlight the parts of his body that are in causing his discomfort.  

All of this was brought to life with the help of our amazing animator who gave it all the perfect motion and sound, bringing out exactly what was needed for this project.

In the meantime, the marketing team handled all internal and external coordination from concept creation to the radio spot recording to overall client alignment and making the deadline!

The campaign went live on all channels in October 2020 and we’re proud to have been a part of this campaign.


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