The Project
Like Beauty is an online destination with tips, tricks and products to help anyone enhance their natural beauty! It’s a community for all women and men who are interested in the beauty industry and everyday things that make life beautiful. Our collaboration with Like Beauty started in March 2017 with the goal to maintain the success of the page and evolve it further, in order to stand out in a very competitive and fast-changing industry.
The Approach
Since the brand is local and fresh and not international, our first step was to raise brand awareness among Cypriot consumers. Raising awareness and creating hype around this unconventional local beauty brand was followed by an aim to increase store traffic.
An important first step in accomplishing these goals was to identify and take into consideration potential challenges, such as the multitude of competitive brands on the market.

The Solution
We wanted the brand’s Page Likes to continue to come in solely through organic and paid posts – not through page advertising. Maintaining the implementation of “Sunday Win" and a Like & Share to Win competition once every week was essential for this.
We adopted a “trilogy” method to make our Instagram presence more attractive and consistent, including these promotional product posts and offers in with the larger theme and idea. Special templates were created prior to the launch of each promotional campaign so that the posts stayed true to the brand identity and maintain uniformity in mood and attitude.
We used Themed Days to divide our content into categories and assign a particular subject to each day of the week. The themes are as follows: Monday MANday, Woman Tuesday, Wellbeing Wednesday, Luxury Thursday, Fabulous Friday, as well as Saturday Offers, and Sunday Wins. The first image that is posted every day is introductory and sets the tone for what is to follow—the remaining posts are in order to advertise and promote the products themselves. The result is a unification of content in sections, within one larger theme.
Are you interested in our work and services? All you have to do is send a message!