Worked On
Influencer Marketing
Social Media Management
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The Project

For a few years now, we have been the responsible team for the management of the social media pages of  Yves Rocher Cyprus. In 2019, Yves Rocher gave us the opportunity to create a special campaign and raise awareness in the local market about their new hair care products, allowing for some awesome collaborations to flourish and that led to great results.

To create hype about the new products, we chose to collaborate with a few local beauty influencers, since the local market is driven by word of mouth and friends’ or influencers’ recommendations. To enhance this activity we also created special content for social media posts, ads, an IG competition and an innovative chatbot, that led our audience to participate in the competition.

For the Influencer competition, we chose to collaborate only with Christina Argyrou. Christina is young, fresh and a very happy personality; she is a great representation of our target audience and Yves Rocher persona.

The most important part of this campaign was the creation of the chatbot; the first one we created as a company! We chose to create a Chatbot because we believed it would be an immensely engaging tool and fun for the users to interact with. And we were right!

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