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The Project

Libresse is a fun, young brand ideal for any woman of any age. From her teens all the way to adulthood and life milestones such as pregnancy, Libresse can cover any need a woman has during her cycle and day-to-day life. With Libresse, a woman can live everyday without taboos, whether she is on her period or not. All women, regardless of their age, should be able to live fearlessly and without taboos in their lives. Many women face issues due to their period, such as not being able to sleep at night, having to change the sheets in the middle of the night, always wearing extra underwear or even sleeping with thermals in their arms.


All these realities along with many others, are taboo topics that women are ashamed to share and talk about. So, it was time to shed some light on what was going on in the dark. Women should speak openly about the issues that concern them and have the necessary support from their family environment. #Periodsomnia2023 

The Goal

Our marketing team was tasked with raising brand awareness for their product range and gaining brand loyalty among a younger audience. In order to achieve our goals, a holistic social media campaign was activated, utilizing several social media channels and important personas with influencing power to reach our target audience between the ages of 16-65+. The main assets of the campaign were sent from Libresse’s International Headquarters and translated into the Greek language. At the beginning of the research and analysis of the Libresse local strategy, we focused on how to approach the desirable local audience and then we adjusted the campaign to achieve the desired goals and objectives.  

Three different types of visuals were promoted through this campaign.

  • Video & statics from the campaign
  • Three native articles 
  • Content from influencers
Libresse Periodsomnia Campaign 2023

The Execution

The aforementioned types were promoted through: Social Media Platforms (Influencer’s Content & Grey Ads on FB & IG) and Local Media (Native Articles & Banners). These videos consisted of a web series that featured women of different age groups, who were asked about various feminine subjects. The participants were asked no-bound questions about everything with regards to their menstruation and all in all about moments that all women face, but are generally kept at the sidelines.  
The videos included female participants from all aspects of life (actors, mothers, radio producers, artists, etc), who were asked to reply to some questions, with regards to their period, pains, “embarrassing” experiences, or moments that pushed their personal limits due to their period.  
From more serious and sensitive topics to generic questions and feminine-related topics, nothing was off limits and was openly discussed to promote awareness about how women’s nights are affected by their menstruation, and how uncomfortable it can be if, for example, you are not in your own bed.  

Libresse Periodsomnia Campaign 2023

The scope of the videos was to be raw and revelatory, through a combination of questions that raised great awareness about the reality of women. The campaign was of a native approach, and the whole series featured Libresse, but with subtlety.

Three supportive articles were also published in MyLife to contribute to the campaign, where numerous key subjects of the campaign were covered.

All of the above content was utilized to divert users into watching the official #Periodsomnia2023 promotional video.

We feel so proud we had the opportunity and creative freedom to collaborate on this specific campaign, as we empowered women to share their stories. We also share an immense pride for our own media teams who shared their personal stories, which they may not have shared with anyone else in their lives.

We would like to believe that through this campaign we empowered them to be themselves, to not feel alone and feel encouraged that if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain and will only come out of it even stronger than before! 💪 💪  





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